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Green Vinyl Wrap: How to wash them properly
When wrapping vehicles, one of the most frequent questions we receive is about the best way to wash a vinyl vehicle cover. Green Vinyl Wrap can last as long as 9 years. They are durable enough to protect the original paint of the vehicle and will not damage it.
There are some things to keep in mind when you're caring for a vehicle with a vinyl wrap. It is essential to take care of your vinyl wrap whether it's a car wrap, truck wrapping, motorcycle wrapping, or ATV wrapping. These are three frequently asked questions about washing vinyl wrapped vehicles.
How often should my vinyl vehicle wrap be washed?
Washing your Green Vinyl Wrap is very similar to washing a vehicle painted. The more you wash your vinyl vehicle wrap, the cleaner and longer lasting the paint coat will be. The amount of time you spend driving your vehicle and the roads on which it's driven will determine how often you wash it. Wrap Guys suggests washing your vinyl-wrapped vehicle more frequently if it's regularly exposed to dirt and mud. Wrap Guys recommends that you wash your vehicle once a week if it is driven mostly on highways and residential roads.
When washing vinyl vehicle wrap, do I need to use special products?
No special products or chemicals are needed to wash your vinyl vehicle wrap. Hot water and soap are effective for washing Green Vinyl Wrap, just as they are with any other vehicle. Satin Black Wrap
What should I avoid washing my vinyl vehicle wrapping?
Avoid power washing when washing Green Vinyl Wrap. Avoid washing vinyl wraps with household or kitchen cleaners. Use only products designed specifically to wash vehicles.